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February 27, 2007
Town of Wellfleet - Board of Selectmen
Library Meeting Room
February 27, 2007
Regular Meeting - Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Dale Donovan.  Selectmen present included Jacqueline Wildes-Beebe, Ira Wood, and Michael May. Jerry Houk was absent. Town Administrator Tim Smith also attended.

Dan Silverman made an announcement that on Wednesday February 28, 2007 at 2pm a Stroke Prevention presentation will take place at the library.

Public Hearing – 7PM
Beach Rules & Regulations
1.      Beach Administrator Steve Larsen requesting consideration of the following amendments to the Beach Rules and Regulations:
(Add) The period starting the third weekend in June and ending on Labor Day between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. is herein referred to as the “summer season”

(Add) The term “beach” herein shall mean any land bordering salt water from the highest wrack line to mean low water.  

1. Any motor vehicle parked at a Town landing place or beach or on Nauset Road (add) during the summer season   (delete) from the 3rd Saturday in June through Labor Day between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.

8. Hang gliders are prohibited at any Town beach or landing, adjacent dunes and parking lots (Add) during the summer season.  (delete) from the 3rd Saturday in June through Labor Day (add) May 1 through October 1.

(delete) 10. No "Beach Parties" after 9:30 p.m. shall be permitted without first obtaining a permit therefore from the Chief of Police.

(delete) 11. All "Beach Parties" after 9:30 p.m. with minors in attendance shall be suitably and adequately chaperoned and permits therefore shall first be obtained from the Chief of Police.

14. Dogs are allowed, (add) except during the summer season, on a six-foot lead, (delete) before 9:00 a.m. and after 5:00 p.m. from the 3rd Saturday in June through Labor Day  (add) only on the following beaches: Duck Harbor, Newcomb Hollow, Cahoon Hollow, White Crest and Maguire Landing.

15. The owner or person responsible for any dog (Add) or domestic animal which defecates on any Wellfleet beach (add) or Town property where dogs allowed shall promptly remove the feces and dispose of it in a place where it will not cause pollution, either directly or through rain runoff action, of any pond or coastal waters.

16.  No horses or dogs (add) or any other domestic animals will be allowed in (add) or around any fresh water pond (add), Town landing or Wellfleet Harbor area beach (Burton Baker, Indian Neck, Mayo Beach and Powers Landing) at any time. (delete) and will be kept away from bathers at all Town landings and beaches at all times.
Beach Administrator Steve Larsen presented the proposed changes. He stated that there was no definition of a beach, and no definition of “Summer Season”. He would like to remove #10 & #11 from the proposed changes.
Dale Donovan read a letter of opposition from Deidre Portnoy. Steve Larsen defined “Around” as on the sand close to the water. Helen Wilson suggested a proposed change to #16 to “in or on fresh water beaches . John Riehl commented on the NRAB suggestions. Tim Smith suggested a matrix of where dogs are and not allowed during what times.
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to approve the beach and summer season definitions, number 1 & 8 with an extension of prohibited times for #8, to begin the season on April 15th .
Motion by:      Ira Wood.               Seconded by:    Jacqui Beebe.           Yea  4     Nay  0

MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to postponed the additional changes to the March 27th meeting.
Motion by:      Michael May.            Seconded by:    Jacqui Beebe.   Yea  4     Nay  0

Renewal of Shellfish Grants
1.      Richard Blakely, #85-Fext, 5 year period
2.      Berta Bruinooge and Evan Bruinooge, #771, 10 year period
3.      Rich Bartke, #00-10, 10 year period
4.      James Rose, #743A, 8 years & one month period (to bring it current with additional grants)
5.      James Falcone, #01-01ext, 5 year period
6.      Robert Olsen, #2000-3ext, 5 year period
7.      Paul Bonanno, #2001-7ext, 5 year period
8.      James and Nancy O’Connell, #00-01 and #00-06, 10 year period.
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to approve the above shellfish grant renewals.
Motion by:      Ira Wood.               Seconded by:    Michael May.            Yea  4     Nay  0

New Common Victualer

Renewal of Common Victualer with Weekday Entertainment
Marconi Beach Restaurant, and Flying Fish Café

Renewal of Retail
Ragg Time, Tim’s Used Books and Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary

Renewal of Taxi
Wellfleet Taxi

Renewal of Gallery
Sandpiper Gallery

Use of Town Property Permit
Mary Annelt and Jason Kew requesting use of Indian Neck Beach on Saturday June 30, 2007 from 4:30 – 6pm for a wedding ceremony.

MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to approve the above licenses and permits
Motion by:      Michael May.            Seconded by:    Jacqui Beebe.   Yea  4     Nay  0

New Business – 7:30PM
1.      Dispatcher Appointment
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to approve the Chief Rosenthal’s recommendation to appoint Amy Walinski as a full-time dispatcher.
Motion by:      Ira Wood.               Seconded by:    Michael May.            Yea  5     Nay  0

2.      Fire Department Goals
Dan Silverman presented the Fire Department 18month – 10year goal projection.

Old Business
1.      MMA Sign Location
2.      Special Town Meeting, March 26th
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to accept Robert B. Our’s bid.
Motion by:  Ira Wood.           Seconded by:    Jacqui Beebe.           Yea  4     Nay  0

MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to approve and recommend Article One with the inclusion of the additional money.
Motion by:  Michael May.                Seconded by:    Ira Wood.               Yea  4     Nay  0

3.      Special/Annual Town Meeting, April 23rd
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to place Article One through Four of the Special Town Meeting.
Motion by:  Dale Donovan.               Seconded by:    Michael May.            Yea  4     Nay  0

MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to place the five ballot questions.
Motion by:  Jacqui Beebe.               Seconded by:    Michael May.            Yea  4     Nay  0

MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to place articles One through Three on the Annual Warrant.
Motion by:  Jacqui Beebe.               Seconded by:    Michael May.            Yea  4     Nay  0

MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to place articles Four through Twenty Six on the Annual Warrant.
Motion by:  Michael May.                Seconded by:    Ira Wood.               Yea  4     Nay  0

Jacqui Beebe reviewed the Charter Review Committee proposed changes to be placed on the Annual Warrant.

4.      Selectmen’s Policies
Discussion will continue to next meeting.

Jacqui Beebe discussed the Correspondence Report dated February 12 – 26th.

Open Session
Thomas Flynn discussed a handout from the Coastal & pond Access Committee.

1.      February 13, 2007
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to approve February 13, 2007 minutes as written.
Motion by:  Ira Wood.           Seconded by:    Jacqui Beebe.           Yea  4     Nay  0

Future Meetings/Agendas

MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen adjourn the regular meeting.
Motion by:  Michael May.                Seconded by:   Jacqui Beebe.            Yea  4     Nay  0

The regular meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Elizabeth G. Hartsgrove
Executive Assistant